Hi, I hope you all like this site. This page is best viewed with IE, there seems to be problems when viewed with Netscape which I will fix. Thank You for your patience and understanding. Most Popular Links: Photo Gallery Breasts Heartbreakers Newly Added pics Email: a_ruscito@yahoo.com

A Jennifer Love Hewitt FanPage
Her innocent look, amazing body, and friendly personality, have made her a favorite among the teenage boys of North America. Please note this website is still under construction.

Jennifer Love Hewitt - IN THE NEWS: Love turns down 'Charmed' role, Heartbreakers opens internationally.

Upcoming TV Appearances

click here for Jennifer's Upcoming TV schedule

Pics/transcripts/videos of Love from other talk shows (Jay Leno/Letterman...)

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Sunday June 3, 2001
Thanks to the guys at lovehewitt.com, here's a big german magazine cover pic of Jennifer that shows her breasts. Check it out. Later
Saturday June 2, 2001
Hi, Ok some stuff to cover: Jennifer has declined a role on the TV show 'Charmed' left vacated by Shannon Doherty. Also, look for Jennifer to possibly show up to the Tony Awards tomorrow with her boyfriend? Broadway actor Patrick Wilson who is nominated for an award. Lastly, I'm working on a nice painting of Jennifer from last year's Teen Choice Awards, check it out. Later
Friday June 1, 2001
Here's a pic of Jenny wearing a nice dress. Later.
Wednesday May 30, 2001
Here's a new [pic] of Love from a Neutrogena magazine ad. Enjoy.
Monday May 21, 2001
Hi, I'm currently working on some new additions for the website, I will be adding them in the upcoming weeks. In the meantime enjoy these pics. Bye.
[pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic5] [pic6] [pic7] [pic8] [pic9] [pic10]
Thursday May 17, 2001
Here are some more pics of Jennifer.
[pic2] [pic3] [pic4].
Wednesday May 16, 2001
Here are a couple of pics of Jennifer. Check out the newly added link fashion101/hairstyles. Bye for now.
Sunday May 13, 2001
Happy Mother's Day, here are some pics of Love with her mom.
[pic1] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4]
Friday May 4, 2001
Ok, check out the new pics from GQ magazine. I'm sure you'll like them. Tomorrow I'm gonna go watch Mummy 2, hope its good, later.
click here
Saturday,April 21, 2001
Sorry guys but I won't be back for 2 weeks, cause I have to study for exams. I'll be back with lots of pics.Bye for now.
Saturday April 21, 2001
Ok, check out the autographed pics, and here are some new pics.
pic1 pic2 pic3
Thursday April 19, 2001
The response to the new design has been good. Thanks to all. I wasn't sure if you guys would like it, but I'll stick with it. Here's a pic of Love. Bye for now.
Wednesday April 18, 2001
I hope you guys like the new design. Not much to report. Jenny will be appearing on Regis on the 24th but its a rerun, and Heartbreakers has made like $30 mill so far. Here are some pics I found. Enjoy [pic1] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4]
Wednesday, April 11, 2001
Who would want to dump Jennifer? I'm glad Rich Cronin did because I never liked that guy. Anyway as far as the website makeover goes, its going great. I'm not sure if I'll finish by Friday. I'll do my best and stay up all night if I have to. I'll have a pic of what it looks like tomorrow. Later.
Wednesday,March 14, 2001
Here's a pic of Jennifer from her days at school, I think it's from a yearbook or something. Also that stuff about not stopping the website is over with for now, after seeing Heartbreakers, I liked it so much I plan on seeing it another 3 or 4 times. Finally, I'm working on a new web page design that will blow away this one and perhaps give the official one something to think about. No flash though. Later.
Monday, February 6, 2001
Hi, OK I posted 4 new pics of Jennifer from the Mademoiselle magazine(March 2001 issue) click below to see them.
pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4
Tuesday, January 30, 2001
Hi, I added a link that shows you the pics(courtesy of Jim Mix)from the Entertainment Tonight segment on Heartbreakers that aired a couple of days ago. Check it out.
Monday, January 15, 2001
Hi, I got some good news and some bad news. First the good news: I added Page 2 of Jennifer's breasts so check it out. OK now the bad news, I'm going to be busy this week cause I have other commitments, I'll be back next week with some more pics of Jennifer. Until then Enjoy the web page. See ya next week.

Recent magazine covers:


Last Updated: June 4, 2001

Photos by Category

Music CDs
Can't Hardly Wait
I know last summer
I still know last....
Little Miss Millions
Telling You
Trojan War
Party of Five
Time of Your Life
other appearances
CD Records
How do I deal
Smash mouth
January pics:
[pic1] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic5]
[pic6] [pic7] [pic8]
[pic9] [pic10] [pic11] [pic12] [pic13]

December pics:
[pic1] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic5] [pic6] [pic7] [pic8] [pic9] [pic10] [pic11] [pic12] [pic13]

Photo Gallery

click here to enter the Photo Gallery.

See also:

Art Gallery

Name:Jennifer Love Hewitt(She was named Love after her mom's college roommate)
Birthdate:February 21, 1979 (Pisces)
Birthplace:Waco, Texas, raised in Killeen, TX (Love now resides in the Los Angeles area with her mom.)
Height:5 feet 3 inches
Weight:117 lbs ??
Education:Laurel Springs High School, Ojai, CA (1997)
more to come...

  • Time of Your Life

  • Party of Five

Contact Jennifer:

Jennifer Love Hewitt
c/o SafeSearching.com
14044 Ventura Blvd., #308
Sherman Oaks, California
91423 USA

Or send her an e-mail from her Official website here
Fun Facts
  • Jennifer says she`s "as nerdy as they come."
  • Her pet chihuahua, Mia, accidentally peed on TV host Jay Leno during an appearance on his show.
  • She loves to shop and then go for a fast food meal at Taco Bell.
  • Quote from Jennifer:
    "The former Party of Fiver is planning to cut her fourth album--though don't count on seeing her perform anytime soon. "I won't tour," she says. "A tour would take me away from my family and making movies for too long."

    All images & information are thought to be in the public domain. If they are not, they are copyrighted to their respective owners and will be promptly removed upon request. Any information regarding the photographers of these images would be greatly appreciated. Unauthorized reproduction in part or in whole of this web page is forbidden.

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    You are visitor#
    Thank You for visiting www.ilovehewitt.com
    created by: a_ruscito@yahoo.com (4/14/2001)
    special thanks to Jim Mix

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